Why Shoresh Loves Winter

March 14, 2017

So, how about this weather, eh? Last month was the warmest February on record and here we are today, one week away from the spring equinox and the snow keeps falling.  While many people dislike Ontario’s cold, snowy days, Shoresh loves them.

Here are just a few reasons we love a heavy winter:

  • It cuts back on pests and diseases such as ticks, mosquitoes and the Emerald Ash Borer.
  • A slowly melting snowpack recharges fields, wetlands, lakes and streams
  • It keeps our honeybees clustered in their hive rather than flying around looking for nectar sources that don’t exist
  • It inspires us to slow down, stay home and spend quality time with family and friends

Whether you think that these wacky weather patterns are human-created or not, we have all witnessed the climate changing in unpredictable ways. This uncertainty will likely continue and will have an increasingly negative impact on human health, economic and environmental sustainability and community resilience.

In response, Shoresh is committed to doing whatever we can to curb climate change.

This year, we are:

  • Planting 16,000 trees at Bela Farm. Support our efforts!
  • Growing our resilient native pollinator gardens at the Kavanah Garden, The Wolfond Centre and the Bee Sanctuary at Bela Farm
  • Building a new generation of Jewish environmental leaders through our community programs, the Shoresh Outdoor School and our field trips to the Kavanah Garden

Join our efforts to save the seasons by making a donation or coming out to our gardens and Bela Farm to plant, tend and nurture nature.

© 2018 Shoresh.