We Love Our Pollinator Pals!

HUMMINGBIRD CLEARWING MOTH - Hemaris thysbe - Hummingbird Clearwing Moths live in open areas and gardens with shrubs and young trees. Hummingbird Clearwing Caterpillars are bright green with white and red dots and a pointy tail-like extension. They feed on the leaves of hawthorn, honeysuckle, and viburnum. Adult Hummingbird Clearwing Moths have a wingspan of 4-6 cm. Their heads are olive-coloured, and they have an olive or golden yellow thorax and a dark burgundy abdomen with some lighter patches. Their wings are clear with reddish-brown border and veins, some dark scales near the base. Using their long proboscis, they drink nectar from deep or open flowers including honeysuckle, beebalm, red clover, lilac, phlox, snowberry, cranberry, blueberry, vetch, and thistles.Fun Fact! Unlike other moths, Hummingbird Clearwings feed in the daytime. They use strong, rapid wing beats and hover while they feed.


Let’s get outside and see how many different kinds of creatures and critters we can find…especially any of our Pollinator Pals!  Did you know that there are even special blessings you can say when you see an exceptionally beautiful or an exceptionally strange creature?  Some of our Pollinator Pals (such as the Hummingbird Clearwing  Moth) might be considered both beautiful AND strange!


  • Insect ID Guide or App (photos from this blog post can help too!)
  • Magnifying glass (optional)
  • Notebook and pencil (optional)


  1. Think of some nearby green spaces where you might find a Pollinator Pal. (Hint: Many pollinators are out in the mornings, near where they lay their eggs and/or find nectar).
  2. If you come across a very beautiful insect or a very unusual-looking insect (or both!), feel free to say one of the brachot (blessings) below…or make up your own!
  3. If you can get close to the creature you discovered, use a magnifying glass to see some of its patterns and colours more clearly.
  4. Make a drawing, take a photo, or record some notes about what you find!
Blessing said upon seeing exceptionally strange creatures: ברוך אתה ה אלקינו רוח העולם, משנה הבריות. Baruch ata Hashem, Elokeinu Ruach ha'olam, meshaneh ha’briyot. Blessed are You G!d, Spirit of the universe, Who differentiates creatures.

Celebrate diversity and uniqueness in every creation

Blessing said upon seeing exceptionally beautiful creatures: ברוך אתה ה אלקינו רוח העולם, שככה לו בעולמו. Baruch ata Hashem, Elokeinu Ruach ha'olam, she’kacha lo b’olamo. Blessed are You G!d, Spirit of the universe, Who has such beings in G!d’s world.

Blessed are You G!d, Spirit of the universe, Who has such beings in G!d’s world.

Go to PAGE 9 to read about the incredible Monarch Butterfly!

© 2018 Shoresh.