We Love Our Pollinator Pals!

RUBY-THROATED HUMMINGBIRD- Archilochus colubris - Ruby-Throated Hummingbirds are migrators – traveling from Canada to Central America for the winter. They are the only species of hummingbird in eastern North America. These birds are tiny with a long thin bill they use to sip nectar. They have bright green iridescent backs and crowns and grey or white bellies. Males have red iridescent throats. Female Ruby-Throated Hummingbirds build their nests in trees or shrubs, using bits of grass, plants, and spiderwebs. They camouflage their nests using dead leaves and lichen! Ruby-Throated Hummingbirds hover in front of flowers to feed, beating their wings more than fifty times per second! They prefer bright red and orange flowers with deep tube-shaped blooms, like trumpet vine. FUN FACT! Ruby-throated Hummingbirds have super colour vision, and can see into the ultraviolet spectrum, which humans cannot see!


One of our favourite activities at Shoresh is making and drawing or writing in our nature journals! Do you have a nature journal? It can be any notebook or handmade book that you use to record your nature adventures!


  • Notebook
  • Markers, crayons, or coloured pencils


  1. The first thing to do is go on an adventure searching for a magnificent creature or plant! Think about where you might find a creature such as a Ruby-Throated Hummingbird. Have you seen the kinds of flowers listed on the other side of this card recently in a garden or park close by?
  2. Observe your subject carefully, paying attention to its shape, colours, and other features. If you are going to draw a moving creature, you will probably need to do this activity from memory.
  3. Make a life-size drawing of what you are observing. (Ex. If you chose a flower that is as big as half of one of your sheets of paper, your drawing should take up half the sheet of paper).
  4. Now, Zoom in! Draw a circle around a section of your drawing. On a blank section of your page (or on a new page), draw a close-up view of just the part that is circled. (Ex. If you circled one petal of the flower, draw as many details as you can of the petal. The zoomed-in drawing can be as big as your first drawing!).
  5. Finally, Zoom out! Take a few steps back. On a blank section of paper, draw a picture of your subject including some of the environment around it. (Ex. If your flower is part of a plant that has several other leaves and flowers on it, you can draw the whole plant, or even draw the whole garden where the plant is located!). Make a circle to mark where your subject is located in the zoomed-out picture.

Go to PAGE 7 to learn about how you can support the local Carpenter Bees!

© 2018 Shoresh.