Shoresh Outdoor School-Fall Cohort

The Spring Shoresh Outdoor School season has come to a close and we are so proud of the SOS students! What an amazing, exploratory and fulfilling spring session!

The SOS students earned 14 badges over the course of 7 weeks; each badge representing their Jewish Learning and Environmental Education.

Our south location at Cedarvale Ravine had an attendance of 18 children, and our north location at Shoresh’s Kavanah Garden had an attendance of 21 children; with a grand total of 39 children attending weekly!

On the 4th week, the students took to the park and garden, with gloves and bags in hand to earn their Tzedakah and Planting badges by picking up litter and then planting seedlings for the future. One example of many, of the type of Jewish Environmental Stewardship that happens at the Shoresh Outdoor School! The students were amazed and confused by the amount of litter that exist in our local green areas, and had the foresight to ask questions about where the litter was going to go. Which we then turned into a teaching moment about recycling and reusable products.

The SOS students had the opportunity to earn an extra star-point badge for Waste Reduction, Energy Conservation, Water Stewardship, or Habitat Restoration if they did something for the environment outside of SOS time, and they really delivered! Telling us about their reusable containers, turning the tap and lights off when they aren’t using them, and so much more!

An excellent season filled with discovery, learning, tzedakah and community.

What’s to come for the Shoresh Outdoor School in the fall? 

With the creation of two new badges; Tikkun Olam and Climate, we will be going more in depth about the interconnectivity of our actions on the planet, and the responsibilities we hold.

Through the lens of Bal Tashchit בל תשחית (Do not destroy), we will be focusing on earth and community stewardship through our extra star point badges!

The Shoresh team is looking forward to what the 2019 Fall season of the Shoresh Outdoor School has to offer!

© 2018 Shoresh.