What a fall season it has been so far!
Here is a look at what has been happening at the Kavanah Garden in the last few weeks…
Our sunflowers grew to be almost ten feet tall!
We harvested over 300 pounds of fresh, local, organic produce for local charities such as United Chesed (http://www.unitedchesed.com/) and Ve’Ahavta (http://www.veahavta.org/).

We grew many different varieties of tomatoes!
From left to right: Black Cherry, Matt’s Red Cherry, Yellow Pear, and Green Zebra

help us harvest produce for tzedakah.

We celebrated a Bat Mitzvah at the garden! As part of her Bat Mitzvah project, Iris spent the summer volunteering at the Kavanah Garden, most notably by bringing her artistic and creative vision to the space. Here is the lid of our composter that she painted – “This is the way of the righteous, that nothing, not even a mustard seed should be wasted.” Mazel Tov Iris!

With the help of some incredibly talented volunteers, we built a pergola that will serve as the frame for our sukkah during the holiday of Sukkot. During other times of the year, the structure will be converted into an outdoor kitchen area with rain barrels to catch rain water and hanging mesh for drying onions and garlic in the fall
And here is our sukkah! The walls are bed sheets that we dyed using Goldenrod flowers and black walnuts from our field.
SK students from Leo Baeck (North Campus) visited the garden to help us harvest the Atomic Red Carrots that they planted as JK students in the spring! Harvesting turnips!
We hosted our first ever Sukkot Celebration! Over 50 community members joined us to sing, study and enjoy a candle-lit vegetarian potluck dinner together in our sukkah.

With radical gratitude,
Risa Alyson Strauss (Kavanah Garden Program Director)