Kavanah’s 1st Community Festival Extravaganza! Rain and Shine!

It was bright and early. Risa, apprentices, spouses, and children had arrived. The sky was looming – clouds and darkness. We began to prepare the day’s activities… optimistic that rain would NOT fall. We WILL have a festival!

Not so far away thunder rumbled, lightening flashed. Maybe it won’t rain. Please, say it won’t rain. It rains, and it pours.

Seeking refuge in the greenhouse, in awe of one of the most violent storms in recent history (the CN tower was hit by lightening 5 times!), our cell phones began to ring; volunteers wondering if the day is canceled due to rain. First, 10 minutes, 20 minutes, then 45 minutes pass.

Excruciating indecision. Should we cancel the festival? Will anyone come after such rain? Will the 3 year old’s rendition of “Mr. Sun” have some magical effect on the weather? Then, the rain began to lighten. Outside, we gazed up at the sky. Matti walked up the drive way to get a full view of the sky. The North East corner of the sky looked beautiful, sunny and blue. We took a vote, and decided to wait 30 more minutes, to see if the sun would clear.

And the rain stopped. The sky lightened. The clouds rolled away. We got back to setting up for the day, and volunteers and guests began to arrive. A hot, sunny, fun-filled day!

Children help look for ladybugs and other beneficial insects.

A boy holds a sunflower from the organic farmer’s market.

Children make pickled dilly beans to take home using fresh, locally, organically grown beans.

Community members learn about the herbs growing at the
Kavanah Garden and harvest some for making fresh tea.

Children and volunteers hunt for worms in the vermicomposter.

Volunteers set up the solar oven to cook pizzas with freshly picked herbs.

All photos were taken by Emily Rose Antflick.

© 2018 Shoresh.