Donate to the Michelle Kopman Memorial Fund and help support families to send their kids to Camp Shoresh, the Shoresh Outdoor School and Yesod.
The Michelle Kopman Memorial Fund for Nature-Based Education was set up in 2018 by the family and friends of Michelle Kopman (z”l). Michelle was a light in this world and we feel her loss very keenly at Shoresh. Her passion and dedication continue to inspire and empower us.
The purpose of the Fund is to provide financial support for Shoresh’s nature-based educational programming; in particular, financial support to students in the form of scholarships (for the Shoresh Outdoor School, Camp Shoresh and Yesod), or programs in order to offer or enhance nature-based Jewish learning experiences (like field trips for schools and shuls to the Bela Farm). This fund helps support our work offering children meaningful opportunities for nature-connection, rooted in Jewish values and teachings.
For more information about the fund, or how to receive a program subsidy, please e-mail Tiferet.
About Michelle
The founder of Michelle’s RawFoodz, a line of products made with superior quality, unprocessed whole foods, Michelle joined the Shoresh family as a food sponsor for the Shoresh Food Conference in 2013, and then was one of the first sponsors to sign on to Taking Root in 2015. Our connection with Michelle was instantaneous and we were inspired by her passion and integrity. Michelle was often described as an “Earth Angel” for her gentle, loving, generous and genuinely caring conduct and demeanour. She was also described this way because of her focus and drive to preserve, respect, honour and celebrate our planet, its magical elements and the living beings who share it. She was loved and respected by everyone who knew her.
To Contribute to the Fund
To donate online with a credit card, simply click here.
To donate with a cheque (and have 100% of your gift directly support the Michelle Kopman Memorial Fund), please send a cheque payable to “Shoresh Jewish Environmental Programs” to:
Shoresh Jewish Environmental Programs
B2-1187 St. Clair Avenue W.
Toronto, ON
M6E 1B5
Please include a note with your name, e-mail address and full mailing address for tax receipt purposes. Please indicate that your donation is to be directed to the Michelle Kopman Memorial Fund.
Shoresh Jewish Environmental Programs is a registered Canadian charity. Our registration number is 85335 3613 RR0001. A charitable tax receipt will be issued for all donations over $18.00.