Bring Jewish outdoor education to your institution through Shoresh’s Jewish Outdoor Educator Training!
Combining hands-on activities and debrief/analysis, participants will engage in their own Jewishly-informed nature-connection learning as well as exploring how to apply Jewish nature connection pedagogy to their teaching practice. Shoresh’s hands-on, nature-based programs elicit experiences of awe in response to the wonders of the natural world, and teach participants how we can be shomrei adamah (protectors of the earth.) All our activities are experiential and creatively weave in Jewish texts, teachings, rituals, and holiday celebrations in ways that are appropriate and meaningful to our program participants.
Following the professional development session, participants will receive a Shoresh activity package to help them integrate their learning into practice and bring Shoresh pedagogy into their community of practice.
Please email Tiferet for more information.
*Shoresh is committed to making our programs accessible to everyone. We are grateful to be able to offer subsidized tuition to students in need from the Michelle Kopman Memorial Fund for Nature-Based Education.