The More Gardens the Better…

In an effort to support as many community members as possible to get back to their Jewish roots (in Canadian soil), we’re planting FOUR new gardens across the city.

Our new sites are all south of Eglinton. We’re working hard to add some much needed greenery and biodiversity to mid and downtown Toronto.

Here’s where and what we’re planting:

1) Forest Hill: Working with families from Robbins Hebrew Academy, Shoresh is running an after-school garden program in a private backyard in Forest Hill. Throughout the season, we’ll be teaching a group of kids and their parents how to plant a vegetable garden from seed to harvest.

2) Wolfond Centre, 2nd Floor: In partnership with Reena Pathways South, we will be teaching Reena clients how to grow vegetables and herbs in containers.

3) Wolfond Centre, ground floor: In an effort to green our headquarters, Shoresh is planting a native wildflower and herb garden at 36 Harbord Street! We’ll be incorporating signage into the garden so the many pedestrians walking by will be able to learn a bissel about Jewish environmental wisdom.

4) Kensington Market: We’ve added another component to Maxie’s Garden! A native wildflower garden! Our intention is that by planting native flowers, we’ll attract pollinators to our vegetable garden and help #savethebees!

It’s a good thing that we’ve planted over 400 seeds at the Reena Greenhouses in Vaughan. We’ve got enough seedlings to fill all of our new garden spaces.

Our seedlings sprouting at the Reena Residences greenhouse on Lebovic Campus Drive.

Our seedlings sprouting at the Reena Residences greenhouse on Lebovic Campus Drive.

Onwards to abundance!

© 2018 Shoresh.