Category: Tzedakah

It Takes a Community to Feed Our Community

“When you are asked in the world to come, “What was your work?” and you answer, “I fed the hungry,” you will be told, “This is the gate of Hashem, enter into it, you who have fed the hungry.” Midrash

From Seed to Tzedakah

By Claire Lipson, Shoresh’s Lead Educator (2015) Throughout the season I have witnessed hundreds of children getting their hands in the garden, sowing seeds and watering plants with excited eyes and big smiles. We explain to school groups that we are growing a

Why I Give

RYAN STORM: SAVING THE BEES FROM THE BIMA He’s only in high school, but Ryan Storm has already done so much incredible work to promote clean, sustainable eating and help preserve the environment. On his blog, Ry’s Ratings, he posts

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