Month: August 2015

Honey Time is Here

For the past five months the honey bees at Bela Farm have been working hard gathering pollen and nectar from the flowers of Hillsburgh, Ontario. Making honey is an awesome and labour-intensive process that requires communication and team effort from

Reflections from a Jewish Beekeeper

By: Sabrina Malach Shoresh’s Director of Community Engagement and Resident Beekeeper at Bela Farm As the resident beekeeper at Bela Farm, I have had the great privilege and honour to collaborate with the thousands of honey bees that call Bela Farm

From Seed to Tzedakah

By Claire Lipson, Shoresh’s Lead Educator (2015) Throughout the season I have witnessed hundreds of children getting their hands in the garden, sowing seeds and watering plants with excited eyes and big smiles. We explain to school groups that we are growing a

No Mess Planting (for kids and adults)

By: Orli Schwartz, Shoresh Intern 2014 The LORD God took the man and put him in the garden of Eden to work it and keep it. (Genesis 2:15) In order to gain a greater appreciation for the environment, I always feel

5 Outdoor Edible Fruits Around Your Neighbourhood

By: Orli Schwartz, Shoresh Intern 2014 One day Choni HaM’agel was journeying on the road and he saw a man planting acarob tree; he asked him, “How long does it take for this tree to bear fruit?” The man replied, “Seventy

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